

单词 Resolution
释义 決議
A formal expression of the collective will.
Corporations - A decision made by the members or directors of a company at company meetings, usually by means of a vote. There are three types of resolutions: ordinary resolution, special resolution (Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 116) and resolutions requiring special notice (s 132(1)). Ordinary resolution is a decision reached by a simple majority of company voting in person or by proxy; where special resolution is a decision reached by a majority of not less than three quarters of company members voting in person or by proxy at general meeting: s 116(1). Special resolution requires that 21 days notice be given to those to vote on the resolution: s 116(1). See also Ordinary resolution; Special resolution.
Foreign relation - The opinion of an executive or legislative body of an international organisation, usually adopted by vote. A resolution is not law and as such is recommendatory, having no binding effect: Charter of the United Nations 1945 arts 10, 11, 13, 14. The resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, while generally recommendatory, can contribute to the progressive development and codification of international law: Charter of the United Nations 1945 art 13 para 1(a). Resolutions are authoritative when they interpret the Charter, and binding on other organs of the United Nations as internal rules. See also Customary international law; General Assembly; International law.
法團 -   由公司成員或公司董事在公司會議作出的決定,通常以表決的方式進行。有三種決議:普通決議,特別決議(《公司條例》(第32章)第116條) 及須要特別通知的決議(第132(1)條)。普通決議是由公司成員親自表決或委派代表表決而達到過半數的決定;特別決議則是某項決議獲表決通過,所獲得的票數不少於有權在大會上親自表決或委派代表表決的成員所投票數的四分之三(第116(1)條)。特別決議須要向會在決議表決的成員或代表發出21天的通知期:第116(1)條。另見 Ordinary resolution; Special resolution。
外交 -   國際組織中的行政或立法部門其一般通過投票而採納的意見。決議並非法律,因此僅屬建議性質而並不具約束效力:《1945年聯合國憲章》第10、11、13及14條。聯合國大會的決議一般雖然是建議性質,卻可為國際法法典化的漸進性發展作出貢獻:第13條第1(a)段。然而用作解釋憲章內容的決議作為內部規則,對其他聯合國機關具權威性及約束力。另見 Customary international law; General Assembly; International law。n.




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