

单词 Residuary legacy
释义 剩餘遺產
A gift or disposition by will of all personal property left within the residue of a deceased estate after disposition of all general, specific and demonstrative legacies and payment of estate debts and expenses. A residuary legacy disposes of all the testator’s personal property not specifically or otherwise disposed of in the will. For example, the gift of all remaining property after a specific legacy: ‘my Ken Done painting to X and the rest of my estate to Y’. A true residuary legacy comprises all that is left after the prior gifts have been satisfied, so no question of ‘interest’ on such a gift can arise, but if a testator expressly defers the date for payment of a residuary gift the surplus income arising during the period of postponement may be undisposed of and pass on intestacy: Re Geering, Gulliver v Geering [1964] Ch 136, [1962] 3 All ER 1043. See also Legacy; Residuary devise; Residue.
在處置所有一般,特定及說明的遺產後及在償付產業債務及開支後,以遺囑授予死者產業剩餘財物內留下的所有個人財物的饋贈或處置。剩餘遺產處置所有在遺囑內沒有訂明或以其他方式訂立的立遺囑人的個人財產。例如在特定的遺產之後的所有剩餘財物的饋贈:「給予x本人澳洲彩繪藝術大師Ken Done的繪畫及給予Y本人其餘的產業」。真正的剩餘遺產包含在所有之前饋贈得到信納後留下的財產,因而在此饋贈上不可產生「權益」的問題,但如立遺囑人明示延誤支付剩餘饋贈的日期,在延誤期間產生的剩餘收入可能不經處置而在無遺囑的情況下轉移: Re Geering, Gulliver v Geering [1964] Ch 136, [1962] 3 All ER 1043。另見 Legacy; Residuary devise; Residue。




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