

单词 Confidential relationship
释义 極信任關係
A relationship in which one person has ceded trust and confidence to another of such a degree or nature that the other person is required to act in utmost degree of good faith in all transactions between them: Goldsworthy v Brickell [1987] Ch 378, 1 All ER 853 (CA). Confidential relationship exists between solicitor and client, parent and child, doctor and patient, guardian and ward or religious superior, in which the law on the ground of public policy raises the presumption of undue influence. As to other relationships such as that of a husband and wife, confidential relationship can be established by proof of the actual existence of a relationship in which the complaining party generally place trust and confidence in the wrongdoer: Barclays Bank plc v O'Brien [1993] 4 All ER 417, 1 AC 180. See also Breach of Confidence; Confidential information; Fiduciary; Fiduciary relationship.
一個人對另一個人信任及深信的程度或本質之深令另一個人需要在兩人之間的一切往來盡最高度的誠意 : Goldsworthy v Brickell [1987] Ch 378, 1 All ER 853 (英國上訴法院). 極信任關係存在於律師與客戶、父母與子女、醫生與病人、監護人與受監護人或宗教長老之間,而以公共政策為根據的法律假設不當影響存在。要確立極信任關係,須證明關係確實存在而訴苦的一方通常對犯錯的一方信任深信: Barclays Bank plc v O'Brien [1993] 4 All ER 417, 1 AC 180。另見 Breach of Confidence; Confidential information; Fiduciary; Fiduciary relationship.




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