

单词 Resist arrest
释义 拒捕
The act of preventing apprehension by a police officer or other person purporting to exercise a power of arrest. Something more than mere obstruction is necessary: R v Appelby (1940) 28 Cr App R 1. To form the requisite intention to resist arrest, a defendant must know that he was going to be arrested: HKSAR v Tsui Wing (HCMA 83/98, unreported). A person who resists any police officer in the due execution of his duty (where the duty is to effect an arrest) commits an offence: Offences against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) s 36. A police officer may only use force in effecting an arrest if a suspect forcibly resists or attempts to evade arrest; however once that happens the police officer may use all means necessary to effect the arrest: Police Force Ordinance (Cap 232) s 50(2). It is no defence to a charge of resisting arrest or obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty that what the police sought to achieve could have been achieved by means other than arrest: A-G v Ho Shek-kwan [1980] HKC 294, HKLR 64 (CA). See also Hinder police; Unlawful arrest.
阻止警務人員或其他本意是行使拘捕權力的人的逮捕的行為。須要較僅僅的妨礙行為更多的妨礙行為:R v Appelby (1940) 28 Cr App R 1。為確立所需的拒捕意圖,被告必須知悉他即將被拘捕:HKSAR v Tsui Wing(高院裁判法院上訴1998年第83號,未經彙報)。任何人抗拒在正當執行職務的任何警務人員(其職務是執行拘捕),即屬犯罪:《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章) 第36條。如受疑人強行抗拒拘捕,或企圖逃避拘捕, 警務人員才可使用武力執行拘捕;但若此發生,則警務人員可使用一切必需的辦法,以執行逮捕:《警隊條例》(第232章)第50(2)條。就拒捕或阻撓執行職務的警務人員的檢控而言,宣稱可以其他非拘捕的方式達到警方謀求達到的目的,不是抗辯:A-G v Ho Shek-kwan [1980] HKC 294, HKLR 64 (上訴法庭)。另見 Hinder police; Unlawful arrest。




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