

单词 Sign
释义 簽名
1. To affix a person’s name to a document: Geo Thompson (Aust) Pty Ltd v Vittadello [1978] VR 199. In the case of a person unable to write, the affixing or making of a seal, mark, thumbprint or chop: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 3. Where by the Bills of Exchange Ordinance any instrument or writing is required to be signed by any person, it is not necessary that he should sign it with his own hand, but it is sufficient if his signature is written thereon by some other person by or under his authority: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 97(1). In the case of a corporation, where by the Bills of Exchange Ordinance any instrument or writing is required to be signed, it is sufficient if the instrument or writing is sealed with the corporate seal: s 97(2). 2. A device used to convey information (Philips Electronics NV v Remington Consumer Products Ltd [1998] RPC 283) or a command to people by words, pictures or lights. For example, a physical entity depicting light or pictures that is used to give people information such as a traffic sign: Road Traffic Regulations (374G) reg 15A. Signs that are customary in the current language or in the honest or established practices of the trade would not be registrable under the Trade Marks Ordinance (Cap 559) s 11(1)(d), an example of which would be a device of chefs for foodstuff. See also Acceptor; Bill of exchange; Drawer; Indorser; Signature.

 1.附加一人的名字在文件上:Geo Thompson (Aust) Pty Ltd v Vittadello [1978] VR 199。對不能書寫的人來說,包括加蓋或印上印章、標記、拇指紋或圖章:《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第3條。凡任何票據或文字根據匯票條例須由任何人簽名者,均無須由該人親筆簽名,而經由或根據該人授權行事的其他人於該票據或文字上代寫上該人的姓名或名稱,亦已足夠:《匯票條例》(第19章)第97(1)條。就法團而言,任何票據或文字如根據本條例須予簽名者,則在該票據或文字蓋上該法團印章,即已足夠:第97(2)條。  標誌 2. 用以傳達資訊的方法 (Philips Electronics NV v Remington Consumer Products [1998] RPC 283) 或以文字、圖像或光線向人發出的指令。例如含有圖像或光線並用以向人發出資訊料的實體例如交通標誌:《道路交通(交通管制)規例》(374G章) 第15A規例。純粹由在現行的語言中或在有關行業的誠實和已確立的做法中已成為慣用的標誌構成的商標,不得按照《商標條例》(第559章)第11(1)(d)條註冊,例如大廚的食品樣式。另見 Acceptor; Bill of exchange; Drawer; Indorser; Signature。n.





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