

单词 Show of hands
释义 以舉手方式表決
A method of voting on a resolution at a general meeting of a company where hands held up are counted and the result is declared. Each member personally present and voting is counted as one, proxies and the votes conferred by the shares represented being ignored: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 114C(1A)(a). Unless excluded by the articles, the common law rule that questions arising at a meeting are to be decided in the first instance by a show of hands applies. The articles may provide that, on a show of hands, every person present who is a member or a representative if a member is to have one vote: sch 1 table A reg 60. Members may demand for voting on a poll instead of a show of hands: s 114D. The chairman’s declaration as to the result of the voting by show of hands may, by the articles, be either sufficient or conclusive: sch 1 table A reg 60. When it is only to be sufficient, evidence may be given to disprove it: Re Indian Zoedone Co (1884) 26 Ch D 70 (CA). The chairman’s ruling that a resolution has been passed by show of hands cannot be challenged if not challenged at the time: Arnot v United African Lands Ltd [1901] 1 Ch 518 (CA). See also General meeting; Poll; Shareholder.
在公司股東大會就決議投票的方法,即作出舉手然後點選,並宣布結果。每一名親自出席及投票的成員,會被作1人計算,代表及及賦予被代表的股份的投票不會被計算:《公司條例》(第32章)第114C(1A)(a)條。除非被章程細則所排除,否則在會議產生的問題應先以舉手方式表決的普通法則適用。 章程細則可規定以舉手方式表決時,每名出席的成員或成員的代表均有權投一票:附表1A表第60條。成員可要求以投票方式表決以代替舉手方式表決:第114D條。主席就有關舉手表決的結果所作的宣布,根據章程細則可以屬足夠,或屬具決定性:附表1A表第60條。假如是屬足夠,則可提供證據作出反證:Re Indian Zoedone Co (1884) 26 Ch D 70 (芵國上訴法院)。對主席就以舉手表決所通過的決議作出的裁定而言,如沒有在當時提出反對,便不可再提出反對:Arnot v United African Lands Ltd [1901] 1 Ch 518 (芵國上訴法院)。另見 General meeting; Poll; Shareholder。




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