

单词 Res judicata
释义 既判案件
Lat - a judicially decided matter. The rule that if a dispute is judged by a court of competent jurisdiction, the judgment of the court is final and conclusive as to the rights and duties of the parties involved. Res judicata constitutes an absolute bar to a subsequent suit for the same cause of action. The rule applies only when the issues sued for, cause of action, persons, and parties to the action are the same as in the original action. Where res judicata is pleaded by way of estoppel to an entire cause of action, rather than to a single matter in issue, it amounts to an allegation that the whole legal rights and obligations of the parties are concluded by the earlier judgment, which may have involved the determination of questions of law as well as findings of fact: Badar Bee v Habib Merican Noordin [1909] AC 615 (PC). A plea of res judicata must show either an actual merger, or that the same point has been actually decided between the same parties: Lam Chun Lin v Lee Wai Chao [1998] 2 HKC 68. Res judicata applies by operation of law, rather than discretion of court. See also Autrefois acquit; Autrefois convict; Double jeopardy; Estoppel; Issue estoppel.
拉丁語-司法上已經裁判之事。如由有司法管轄權資格的法院裁定一項爭議,法院就涉及的當事人的權利和義務的判決是最終及不可推翻的。既判案件的規則絕對禁止其後與之前訴訟有相同理由的訴訟。如起訴的問題、訴訟的理由,人物及訴訟的當事人與原本的訴訟相同,則既判案件的原則才會適用。如對整體訴訟理由而非單一的有爭論的事宜以不容反悔的方式申辯既判案件,等於指稱當事人的全部法律權利和責任由較早前的判決終止;有關的判決可涉及法律問題的裁定及事實的裁斷:Badar Bee v Habib Merican Noordin [1909] AC 615(樞密院)。既判案件的申辯必須顯示實際上的合併,或相同論點已在相同的當事人之間已有實際上的決定:Lam Chun Lin v Lee Wai Chao [1998] 2 HKC 68。由法律的實施而非法院的酌情權應用既判案件的規則。另見 Autrefois acquit; Autrefois convict; Double jeopardy; Estoppel; Issue estoppel。




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