

单词 Preventive detention
释义 罪行防範措施
A form of custody which has as its purpose preventing the offender from committing criminal offences in the future and protecting the public from offenders who have shown by their previous history that they are menace to society while they are at large: Queen v Churchill 36 CAR 107 (CCA). The offenders are put in confinement for a longer term than would other have been lawful under the statute against which he had offended: Queen v Churchill, supra. At common law, the extension of a sentence merely by way of preventative detention is impermissible, because the sentence must bear a proper relation to the gravity of the offence: Queen v Bullock (Times, 22 July 1958). In despite of this, the court should take account of the previous record of the offender concerned, his or her character when imposing sentence for the crime of which he or she has been convicted, and in determining the proper relation of the sentence to the gravity of that offence these factors can, and should, be borne in mind: Lai Man v The Queen (CACC 263/61, unreported).
司法的措施,目的在於防止罪行的發生。有一些情況法庭會鑒於司法利益或大眾利益,在判刑時採納較嚴謹的方法,例如罪行的盛行受爭議: HKSAR v Tam Wai Pio (CACC 32/98, 未經彙報); HKSAR v Ma Suet Chun [2001] 4 HKC 337。此外,如法官信納某人曾犯暴行罪傾向破壞和平,法宮有權約束任何人以維持和平: HKSAR v Chow Ka Hey [2000] 1 HKC 266。在給犯人判刑時,如有可能的理由懷疑犯人將來會有不當行為,法官可要求犯人(有條件或沒有條件的情況下)簽保以保持和平或保持良好的行為: R v Currency Brokers (HK) Ltd [1987] HKLR 1136。但任何加諸的刑罰必須與所犯罪行的嚴重性成比例: Queen v Bullock(《時代日報》1958年7月22日,未經彙報)。




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