

单词 Prohibition notice
释义 禁止通知書、禁制通知書
1. A notice that may be issued by the Commissioner for Labour to a person who has control over an notifiable workplace, whether a notifiable workplace which has been notified to him is not suitable for use as a factory, mine or quarry; for the carrying on in it of any dangerous trade or scheduled trade; or for the carrying on in the workplace of any industrial process or industrial operation or any part of such process or operation, he may issue to the proprietor of the notifiable workplace with a prohibition notice: Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Cap 59) s 9A(1). The notice prohibits such workplace from being used as a factory, mine or quarry; the carrying on in the workplace of any dangerous trade or scheduled trade; or the carrying on in the workplace of such industrial process or industrial operation, or such part of the process or operation, as may be specified in the notice: s 9A(2). 2. A notice that may be issued by the Commissioner of Customs and Excise to prohibit persons from supplying (1) any consumer goods which he reasonably believes do not comply with an approved standard, or (2) any consumer goods for which a safety standard has not been approved, which he reasonably believes are, or may be, unsafe: Consumer Goods Safety Ordinance (Cap 456) s 8(1). See also Occupational health and safety.

1. 一項勞工處處長就下述發出的通知書;即勞工處處長認為任何應呈報工場(不論是否已向其呈報的應呈報工場)並不適宜用作工廠、礦場或石礦場;或在其內從事任何危險行業或附表所列行業;或在其內進行任何工業工序或工業操作,或進行任何部分的工業工序或工業操作,而向該應呈報工場的管有人發出的禁止通知書:《工廠及工業經營條例》(第59章)第9A(1)條。該通知書禁止將該工場用作工廠、礦場或石礦場;在該工場從事任何危險行業或附表所列行業;或在該工場進行該通知書上所指明的該等工業工序或工業操作或其部分:第9A(2)條。2. 凡海關關長合理地相信任何消費品(1) 不符合任何認可標準;或(2) 並無認可的安全標準,但卻是不安全或可能是不安全的,關長可向任何人送達禁制通知書,禁止該人供應該消費品:《消費品安全條例 》(第456章)第8(1)條。另見 Occupational health and safety。





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