

单词 Scuttling
释义 沉船/把船鑿沉
The intentional casting away or sinking of a ship by making holes in her hull or opening the seacocks. Scuttling, with consent or knowledge of the shipowners, for the sake of the insurance money is fraudulent: The Ny-Eeasteyr [1988] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 60. In a marine insurance policy, scuttling is not a peril of the sea, which refers only to fortuitous accidents or casualties of the sea: P Samuel & Co, Ltd v Dumas [1924] All ER Rep 66 (HL). Scuttling by the master or crew, without consent or knowledge of the shipowners, is barratry: Elfie A Issaias v Marine Insurance Co Ltd (1923) 15 Ll L Rep 186. Barratry is a peril which can be insured against under a marine insurance policy: Lloyd’s Form of Policy. Any person who, by any unlawful act or in any manner whatsoever without reasonable excuse, scuttles any vessel within the waters of Hong Kong commits an offence: Shipping and Port Control Ordinance (Cap 313) s 72A. Scuttling may be justified in time of war to prevent a ship falling into the hands of enemy: Rickards v Forestal Land, Timber and Railways Co, Ltd [1941] 3 All ER 62 (HL). A ship may be scuttled to extinguish a fire, and the scuttling constitutes a general average sacrifice: Whitecross Wire Co Ltd v Savill (1882) 8 QBD 653, 4 Asp MLC 531 (CA). See also Disclaimer; Exclusion clause; Ship.
有意地以在船身打洞或打開通海旋塞的方法扔掉船隻或使船隻下沉。如在船東同意或知情的情況下,為保險賠償金額而沉船/把船鑿沉的行為是欺詐行為:The Ny-Eeasteyr [1988] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 60。在海上保險保單,沉船/把船鑿沉並非海難,而只被視為海上偶發意外或傷亡事故:P Samuel & Co, Ltd v Dumas [1924] All ER Rep 66(上議院)。如在沒有船東同意或不知情的情況下,由船主或船員沉船/把船鑿沉則屬船上人員不當行為:Elfie A Issaias v Marine Insurance Co Ltd (1923) 15 Ll L Rep 186。可就船上人員不當行為,在海上保險保單為嚴重危險購買保險:勞合社保單。任何人藉任何非法作為,或在無合理辯解的情況下,在香港水淢範圍內鑿沉任何船隻,即屬犯罪:《船舶及港口管制條例》(第313章)第72A條。在戰時為阻止船隻落入敵人手中而沉船/把船鑿沉,或可成充分理由:Rickards v Forestal Land, Timber and Railways Co, Ltd [1941] 3 All ER 62(上議院)。可沉船/把船鑿沉以滅火,而沉船/把船鑿沉 會構成一般共同海損犧牲:Whitecross Wire Co Ltd v Savill (1882) 8 QBD 653, 4 Asp MLC 531 (上訴法院)。另見 Disclaimer; Exclusion clause; Ship。v.




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