

单词 Scrutiny
释义 監票
The process which ascertains the results of polling. Scrutineers, known under Hong Kong electoral laws as counting agents, and candidates are present, and can object to a ballot paper, in which case the returning officer conducting the counting will either admit or reject the paper. The returning officer can also reject a ballot paper on his own behalf: Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (Legislative Council) Regulation (Cap 541D) pt IV. See also Election.
確定投票結果的過程。監票員在香港的選舉法下被稱為點票人員,且候選人亦在場,並可就某選票提出反對,而進行數票的選舉主任則可接納或不接納該張選票。選舉主任則亦可自行不接納某張選票:《選舉管理委員會(選舉程序)(立法會)規例》(第541D章)第IV部。另見 Election。n.




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