

单词 Discharge of party
释义 解除當事人的責任
The release from liability of one or more parties to a bill of exchange, not resulting in discharge of the instrument. A person may be released from liability when the bill is overdue as it appears on the face of it to have been in circulation for an unreasonable length of time (Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 36(3)); or the bill is not duly presented for payment (ss 45, 46). Where persons are jointly liable on an instrument, whether as principals or sureties, discharge of one discharges all, even if they are jointly and severally liable, discharge of one is prima facie discharge of all: Mak Lai Ting v The Bank of Canton Ltd [1923] 18 HKLR 27. See also Bill of exchange; Cancellation; Discharge of negotiable instrument; Indorser; Indorsee.
解除匯票一方或多方當事人的法律責任,但不會引致匯票被解除。如憑票要求付款的匯票票面上因顯示該匯票已流通了一段長至不合理的時間而須當作逾期匯票(《匯票條例》(第19章)第 36(3)條);或並未妥為出示有關的匯票以求付款(第 45及46條),則當事人的法律責任可被解除。如若干名人士須共同承擔某票據的法律責任,則無論他們是主事人或擔保人,解除其中一人的責任即解除所有人的責任;即使他們負有共同及各別的法律責任,解除其中一人的責任即表面上解除所有人的責任:Mak Lai Ting v The Bank of Canton Ltd [1923] 18 HKLR 27。另見 Bill of exchange; Cancellation; Discharge of negotiable instrument; Indorser; Indorsee。




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