

单词 Disciplinary proceedings
释义 紀律處分程序
The disciplinary actions regulating conducts of professions, for example, medical and legal profession, accountants, police force: Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap 50) s 33; Police (Discipline) Regulations (Cap 232A); Dentists (Registration and Disciplinary Procedure) Regulations (Cap 156A); Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) Code of Conduct. See also Criminal proceedings; Disciplinary action.
規管專業人士(例如醫學界和法律界專業人士,會計師和警察)職業操守的紀律行動;:《專業會計師條例》(第50章)第33條;《警察(紀律)規則 》(第232A章);《牙醫(註冊及紀律程序)規例》(第156A章);《法律執業者條例 》(第159章)專業操守。另見 Criminal proceedings; Disciplinary action。




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