

单词 Disciplinary tribunal
释义 紀律審裁小組
A committee, tribunal or board which hears complaints or proceedings relating to the conducts of professional in different fields. For example, the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal inquires into the conduct of the barrister concerned: Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) s 35A. Also known as ‘disciplinary authority’ or ‘disciplinary committee’. See also Complaint; Discipline; Misconduct; Practising certificate.
指就不同行業的專業人士的操守進行申訴聆訊或議事程序的委員會或審裁小姐。例如大律師紀律審裁團會就有關大律師的專業操守進行研訊:《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第35A條。另稱「紀律制裁機構」或 「紀律委員會」。另見 Complaint; Discipline; Misconduct; Practising certificate。




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