

单词 Discipline
释义 學科
1.A branch of instruction or learning. 2. The exercise of control by instruction and punishment.
Legal practitioners - The exercise of control over the conduct of members of the legal profession. The disciplinary jurisdiction of legal practitioners has been transferred from the High Court to the disciplinary tribunals: Legal Practitioners (Amendment) No 2 Ordinance 1992 ss 5, 19. All jurisdictions have enacted legislation establishing disciplinary tribunals, committees, or boards investing them with power to discipline legal practitioners, such as the Solicitor’s Disciplinary Tribunal, and the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal: Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) ss 10, 36. The Bar Council may, subject to the prior approval of the Chief Justice, make rules in discipline of barristers and pupils: s 72AA. See also Disciplinary tribunal; High Court.
Tort - Conduct reasonably necessary to restore or maintain order in certain recognised situations. Otherwise tortious conduct of a person in authority may be justified by the defence of discipline. The most common situation where this might occur is in the context of parental discipline. A person with parental responsibility may lawfully chastise and inflict moderate and reasonable corporal punishment for the purpose of correcting a child or punishing an offence. Such powers may be delegated either expressly or impliedly, but it seems that they can only be exercised by those in loco parentis to the child. Whether or not the punishment is reasonable must depend upon all the facts of the case, for example, the age and strength of the child, the nature and degree of the punishment. If it goes beyond what is reasonable, it is unlawful and renders the individual criminally liable for assault or, depending on the gravity, for more serious offences. It has been held that restraint of a child’s movement is usually well within the realms of reasonable parental discipline: R v Rahman (1985) 81 Cr App Rep 349 (CA). See also Child abuse.
1. 一門教學或學術。  處分 2. 通過指令及懲罰作出監管。
法律執業者 -   對法律專業成員的行為作出監管。對法律執業者的紀律制裁管轄權已由高等法院轉移至紀律審裁小組:《法律執業者(修訂)1992年第2條例》第5及19條。法例已制定有關的管轄權,設立審裁處或委員會,並賦予處罰法律執業者之權力,例如律師的紀律審裁小組和大律師的紀律審裁小組:《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第10 及36條。在符合終審法院首席法官的事先批准下,執委會可就大律師及實習大律師的處分訂立規則:第72AA條。另見 Disciplinary tribunal; High Court。
侵權 -   指在若干已確認的情況下,合理地需要以回復或維持秩序的行為。否則掌權者可藉維護紀律的理由作為充分支持其侵權行為的理由。此等最常見的情況在於父母管教子女的情況。負有父母責任的人士,可為懲治兒童或懲罰過錯的目的,合法地責罰及施加適度而合理的的體罰。可明示或默示轉授他人此等權力,但看來僅可由對有關兒童處於父母地位之人士行使此等權力。有關的懲罰是否合理須取決於有關個案的所有事實,例如有關兒童的年齡及體質,懲罰的性質及程度。如懲罰超逾合理水平,則該懲罰屬不合法,並令致有關個別士負上襲擊的刑事法律責任,或視乎行為的嚴重性,可能負上更嚴重罪行的刑事責任。法庭曾判定,限制兒童的行動通常屬於父母作出合理管教之範疇:R v Rahman (1985) 81 Cr App Rep 349 (芵國上訴法院)。另見 Child abuse。n.




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