

单词 Subornation of perjury
释义 唆使他人作偽證
The offence of procuring, persuading, or inducing another person to give false testimony. A person who suborns another person to commit perjury or any other related offence against the Crimes Ordinance is liable to be proceeded against, indicted, tried and punished as if he were a principal offender: Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 38(1). A person is not liable to be convicted of any offence declared by any other enactment to be subornation of perjury or to be punishable as subornation of perjury, solely upon the evidence of one witness as to the falsity of any statement alleged to be false: s 43. See also Perjury; Suborner.
促致、慫恿、或誘使他人作出虛假證供的罪行。任何人唆使他人犯刑事罪行條例的偽證罪或任何其他相關的罪行,可予以起訴、公訴、審訊及懲處,猶如他是主犯一樣:《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第 38(1)條。任何人不得僅因一名證人所作證供,指被指稱為虛假的陳述是虛假,而被裁定犯其他成文法則宣布屬唆使他人在宣誓下作假證供的罪行,或可如該等罪行懲處的罪行:第43條。另見 Perjury; Suborner。




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