

单词 Subpoena
释义 傳召出庭令
Lat – under a penalty. 1. A court order or a common law writ issued in proceedings requiring the person to whom it is directed to attend a court at a specified place and time for the purpose of giving evidence, producing documents, or both. A subpoena is coercive in its operation, since disobedience to a subpoena amounts to a contempt of court and obedience to it can be enforced by committal, even if the disobedience is not wilful: R v Daye [1908] 2 KB 333 (DC). For this reason a writ of subpoena must be served personally: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 38 r 17. A subpoena is to be contrasted with a ‘notice to produce’ that only constitutes an invitation, not a compulsion. 2. To serve such a writ upon a person. When used as a verb, the past participle is subpoenaed or subpoena’d. See also Evidence; Notice to produce; Subpoena duces tecum.
Family law - A written court order that requires a person or organisation to attend before the court to give evidence or produce documents in his or her custody or control: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 32 r 7. The order is issued by the Registrar of the Family Court at the direction of the court: Matrimonial Causes Rules (Cap 179A) r 42(2). If on any application to a judge relating to a child there is a dispute as to the care and control of or access to the child, the judge may refuse to admit any affidavit unless the party by whom or on whose behalf it was made is available at the hearing to give oral evidence and (where the cause or the application is proceeding in the Court of First Instance) a writ of subpoena to compel the attendance of a witness for the purpose of the application may issue in accordance with r 42 without the production of the note from a judge or registrar: r 92(4). Witnesses may be summoned to prove the means of the judgment debtor in the same manner as witnesses are summoned to give evidence on the hearing of a cause, and writs of subpoena may for that purpose be issued out of the registry in which the judgment summons is issued: r 88. See also Discovery.
Practice and procedure - A document by which a court compels a person to attend court to give evidence or to produce documents within that person’s possession. Subject to the exceptional cases, all competent witnesses who are amenable to the jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance of Hong Kong and other courts are compellable to attend for the purpose of giving evidence. An expert witness is compellable to attend for the purpose of giving evidence for one party notwithstanding that he has previously given his opinion to the other party: Harmony Shipping Co SA v Davis [1979] 3 All ER 177, 1 WLR 1380 (CA). However, where a statute has provided a different process, a writ of subpoena will not be issued: R v Hurle- Hobbs, ex p Simmons [1945] KB 165, 1 All ER 273 (DC). The form of subpoenas and conduct required by a subpoena are governed by the Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 38 rr 14-19. See also Document; Evidence.
拉丁語 – 在刑罰下。1. 在法律程序中發出,要求所致予的人,為提供證據、出示文件或上述兩者,而在指定的地方及時間出庭的法庭命令或普通法令狀。傳召出庭令屬強制措施,因即使並非因故意不服從,不服從傳召出庭令等於蔑視法庭,並可籍交付羈押而強制服從傳召出庭令:R v Daye [1908] 2 KB 333 (地方法院)。因而傳召出庭令狀必須面交送達:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第38號命令第 17條規則。傳召出庭令狀與僅構成邀請而非強制的「要求出示文件的通知」不同。    傳召出庭 2. 向一人送達此等令狀。作為動詞使用時,英文的過去分詞是subpoenaed 或subpoena’d。另見 Evidence; Notice to produce; Subpoena duces tecum。
家庭法  - 要求某人或組織到法院席前出席以提供證據或出示由他/她保管或控制的文件的書面法庭令狀:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第 32號命令第7條規則。在法院的指示下,由家庭法庭的登記官員發出的命令:《婚姻訴訟規則》(第179A章)第42(2)條規則。如在向法官提出與子女有關的申請時出現關於照顧及管束或探視該子女的爭議,法官可拒絕接納任何誓章,但如作出誓章或由他人代為作出誓章的一方能夠在聆訊中口頭作供,則不在此限;如該訴訟或申請正在原訟法庭進行,強制證人為該項申請出席的傳召出庭令,可按照第42條發出,而無須呈示由法官或司法常務官發出的便條:第92(4)條規則。法院可傳召證人出庭證明判定債務人的經濟能力,傳召方式與訴訟聆訊中傳召證人作供的方式相同;而為此目的,可由發出判決傳票的登記處發出傳召出庭令:第88條規則。 另見 Discovery。
成規及程序 - 法院強迫某人出庭以提供證據或出示該人管有的文件。除若干例外的案件,所有受香港原訟法庭及其他法庭的司法管轄權管轄的有資格的證人,可被強迫出庭提供證據。儘管專家證人先前已為一方作出其專業意見,但他/她可被強迫出庭為另一方提供證據:Harmony Shipping Co SA v Davis [1979] 3 All ER 177, 1 WLR 1380(英國上訴法院)。但如某法規已規定不同的法律程序,則不會發出傳召出庭令:R v Hurle- Hobbs, ex p Simmons [1945] KB 165, 1 All ER 273 (地方法院)。《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第38號命令第14至19條規則規管傳召出庭令的形式和傳召出庭令規定的行為。另見 Document; Evidence。 n.




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