

单词 Subpoena duces tecum
释义 著令攜帶文件出庭的傳召證人出庭
Lat – under penalty you shall bring with you. A court order requiring the attendance of a person at court at a specified time and place to produce specified documents. It must be in the prescribed form: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 38 r 14(1). A party who has received a subpoena duces tecum which is not accompanied by a subpoena ad testificandum will normally produce the document without being sworn and is not amenable to examination-in-chief or cross-examination but, if a question arises as to his possession of the document he may be questioned for this limited purpose: Penn-Texas Corp v Murat Anstalt (No 2) [1964] 2 QB 647, 2 All ER 594 (CA). A subpoena duces tecum must give sufficient particulars to identify the document required: Ng Lai v Tse Sau Ying [1964] HKDCLR 1. It can only be issued for the purposes of the trial and cannot, therefore, be used as a means to secure pre-trial disclosure of documents from a person who is not a party: Hsin Chong Construction Co Ltd v Hong Kong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Co Ltd [1986] HKLR 987. The principles relating to the issue of a subpoena duces tecum are that: (1) the purpose of the subpoena must not be akin to obtaining discovery against a non-party to the litigation; (2) the documents to be brought by the witness must be relevant to the action; (3) the subpoena should not be used as a discovery exercise; (4) the scope of the subpoena must not be oppressive; and (5) the exercise must not be of a speculative or ‘fishing’ nature: Brisilver Investment Ltd v Wong Fat Tso [2000] 2 HKLRD G12. It would be improper to ask for classes of documents rather than identified individual documents to be produced: Panayiotou v Sony Music Entertainment (UK) Ltd [1994] Ch 142, 1 All ER 755. See also Subpoena.
拉丁語 – 在刑罰下你須攜帶。 要求某人於指定時間及地方出庭以出示指定的文件的法令。必須以訂明的表格作出:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第38號命令第 14(1)條規則。在沒有連同著令出庭作證的傳召令的情況下,已獲送達著令攜帶文件出庭的傳召證人出庭令的人,通常在沒有經宣誓的情況下提供有關的文件,並且不受主問或盤問之管轄,但如產生其管有有關文件的爭議,該人可為此有限的目的受訊問:Penn-Texas Corp v Murat Anstalt (No 2) [1964] 2 QB 647, 2 All ER 594(英國上訴法院)。著令攜帶文件出庭的傳召證人出庭令須給予充分的詳情以識別有關的文件:Ng Lai v Tse Sau Ying [1964] HKDCLR 1。只可為有關的審訊發出此等法令,因此,不可為確保在審訊前從非訴訟方的人披露文件的目的發出此法令:Hsin Chong Construction Co Ltd v Hong Kong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Co Ltd [1986] HKLR 987。關於發出著令攜帶文件出庭的傳召證人出庭令的原則包括 (1) 有關的目的不得為針對訴訟的非訴訟方取得文件的透露; (2) 由有關證人出示的文件須與有關的訴訟有關; (3) 不得以傳召出庭令作為文件透露的方法; (4) 有關傳召出庭令的範圍不得具欺壓性質;及 (5) 不得在不確定或具有摸索性質的情況下,發出有關法令:Brisilver Investment Ltd v Wong Fat Tso(民事上訴,99年第251號,未經彙報)。要求出示有關文件的類別而非指明的個別文件,並不適當:Panayiotou v Sony Music Entertainment (UK) Ltd [1994] Ch 142, 1 All ER 755。另見 Subpoena。




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