

单词 Universal Copyright Convention
释义 世界版權公約
Abbr – UCC An international treaty on copyright, administered by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. It was adopted at Geneva, 6 September 1952 and revised at Paris, 24 July 1971. The UCC affords the published and unpublished works of citizens of one member state the same protection in the territory of other member states. The purpose of the UCC was to bridge the different systems of copyright applying in countries that were party to the Berne Convention, and countries such as the United States of America and most South American countries. In Berne Convention countries, no formalities are allowed before copyright protection is available, and wide-ranging minimum levels of protection are demanded from signatories. In countries such as the United States of America and most South American countries formalities such as registration were often required, and many of these countries determined the level of protection given to foreign works by reference to the law of the country of first publication, rather than on the basis of treating owners of copyright in foreign works on the same basis as their own citizens. The UCC limits the ability of countries to impose formal procedures for copyright protection, by requiring that signatories impose no formality beyond publication with the ‘copyright notice’ (the symbol (c) followed by the name of the copyright owner, and the year of first publication). The UCC also requires a signatory to extend the same copyright protection to material of foreign ownership as it does to material in which its own nationals own copyright (provided that the foreign copyright owner is a national of another UCC signatory). The United Kingdom ratified the Convention and protocols on 27 June 1957, the UCC has been implemented in Hong Kong since then and continues to apply to Hong Kong after the handover on 1 July 1997. China had not acceded to the UCC only until 30 July 1992. See also Copyright.
芵文簡寫 – UCC 有關版權的國際條約,由聯合國教育、科學及文化組織管理。《世界版權公約》於1952年9月6日於日內瓦獲得通過,並於1971年7月24日在法國巴黎修訂。就某一成員國的公民已發表及未經發表的作品而言,《世界版權公約》於其他成員國領土內亦會給予該作品相同保障。《世界版權公約》的目的有:將《伯爾尼保護文學和藝術作品公約》締約方的國家、美國及大部分南美洲國家等國所適用的不同版權制度之間的差異彌合起來。在《伯爾尼保護文學和藝術作品公約》下的國家,在有版權保障之前任何正式手續均不獲允許,並簽署國會被要求作出一系列廣泛的最低保障。美國及大部分南美洲國家等國通常規定正式手續(例如註冊),而大部分此等國家會依據作品首次發表的國家 的法律,決定給予外國作品的保障的水平,而非依據以相同基礎處理其本國公民及外國作品的版權擁有人。《世界版權公約》藉規定簽署國除施加「版權通知」外(即符號(c)並隨後註明版權擁有人的名稱及首次發表的年份),不可訂定施加正式手續,以限制簽署國施加版權保障的正式程序的權力。《世界版權公約》亦規定猶如其國民擁有版權的作品所享有的版權保障,某簽署國須將相同的版權保障引伸適用於外國擁有權的作品(但該外國版權擁有人必須是另一個《世界版權公約》簽署國的國民)。芵國在1957年6月27日追認《世界版權公約》及議定書,《世界版權公約》自此在香港實施,在1997年7月1日主權回歸中國後,《世界版權公約》繼續適用於香港。中國直至1992年7月30日才加入《世界版權公約》。另見 Copyright。




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