

单词 Submission to jurisdiction
释义 對司法管轄權順從/服從司法管轄權
Submission by a defendant to the jurisdiction of a court, which means the defendant does not dispute the jurisdiction of the court. A defendant who wishes to dispute the jurisdiction of the court in the proceedings by reason of any such irregularity in the writ or service of it or on any other ground should give notice of intention to defend the proceedings and should, within the time limited for service of a defence, apply to the court for an order setting aside the writ or service of the writ on him, or an order declaring that the writ has not been duly served on him, or the discharge of any order giving leave to serve the writ on him out of the jurisdiction, or the discharge of any order extending the validity of the writ for the purpose of service, or the protection or release of any property of the defendant seized or threatened with seizure in the proceedings, or the discharge of any order made to prevent any dealing with any property of the defendant, or a declaration that in the circumstances of the case the court has no jurisdiction over the defendant in respect of the subject-matter of the claim or the relief or remedy sought in the action, or such other relief as may be appropriate: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 12 r 8 (1). Where a rule fixes a time-limit and treats non-compliance therewith as a submission to the jurisdiction, an extension of time under O 3 r 5 can undo that legal consequence: The Tian Sheng No 8 [2000] 3 HKC 285 (CFA). A defendant may also by conduct take steps in submitting to the jurisdiction of the court, such as by way of taking out summons to set aside the judgment, the prosecution of the summons and taking part in the assessment of damages: Lee Fai (t/a Fai Kee Timber) v Chan Kui [1997] 3 HKC 228 (CA).
被告人服從法庭的司法管轄權,即被告人不會就法庭的司法管轄權提出爭議。 被告人如意欲因令狀或文件送達的任何不符合規定之處或基於任何其他理由而就法院在法律程序中的司法管轄權提出爭議,須就法律程序發出擬抗辯通知書,並須在送達抗辯書的時限內,向法庭申請─ (a) 一項將令狀作廢或將令狀向被告人的送達作廢的命令,或(b) 一項宣布令狀未曾妥為送達被告人的命令,或c) 撤銷任何給予許可在本司法管轄權範圍外向被告人送達令狀的命令,或(d) 撤銷任何為送達令狀而延展令狀有效期的命令,或e) 保護或發還被告人在法律程序中被檢取或受檢取威脅的任何財產,或(f) 撤銷任何為阻止處理被告人的任何財產而作出的命令,或(g) 宣布在該宗案件的情況下,法院就申索的標的物或在訴訟中所尋求的濟助或補救而言,對被告人並無司法管轄權,或(h) 適當的其他濟助:《高等法院規則》 (第4A章)第12號命令第8 (1)條規則。 如某則規定時間限制及視其中的不遵循為服從有關的司法管轄權,則根據第3號命令第5條規則作出的期限延長可解除該法律後果:The Tian Sheng No 8 [2000] 3 HKC 285 (終審法院)。 被告人亦可藉行為採取步驟服從有關法庭的司法管轄權,例如憑藉取得傳訊令狀將有關的判決作廢, 就傳訊令狀採取行動,以及參與損害賠償的評估:Lee Fai (t/a Fai Kee Timber) v Chan Kui [1997] 3 HKC 228 (上訴法庭)。




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