

单词 Purchaser for valuable consideration
释义 付出有值代價的購買人
A person who enters into a transaction and who gives or has given something of value in return. A purchaser for valuable consideration may be able to resist a claim against the property he purchased. For example, where a person acquires property in good faith, for value and without notice of the bankruptcy, the trustee in bankruptcy is not in respect of that property or transaction entitled to any remedy against that person, or any person whose title to any property derives from that person: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 43A(4). A purchaser for valuable consideration and without notice (actual or constructive) of copyright in a work is not bound by a licence granted earlier by the copyright owner: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) ss 101(4), 102(3), 216(4), 217(3). Where deeds, conveyances, and other instruments in writing, and judgment are not registered, they are absolutely null and void to all intents and purposes as against any subsequent bona fide purchaser for valuable consideration of the same parcels of ground, tenements, or premises: Land Registration Ordinance (Cap 128) s 3(2). If a property is purchased by a bona fide purchaser for valuable consideration without notice, estate duty is not chargeable on that property: Estate Duty Ordinance (Cap 111) s 43(6). A court may rescind a closure order that has been made in respect of any premises or place if the court is satisfied that, at the time the applicant became a bona fide purchaser of an interest in the premises or place, he did not know of the charge or conviction: Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 153C (5). The valuable consideration may include marriage but not a nominal consideration in money: Powers of Attorney Ordinance (Cap 31) s 5(6). However, in bankruptcy law, if a debtor enters into a transaction with that person in consideration of marriage, or at a value significantly less than the value of the consideration provided by the debtor, it is considered to be a transaction at an undervalue: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 49(3). Where a debtor is adjudged bankrupt and he has at a relevant time entered into a transaction with any person at an undervalue, the trustee may apply to the court for an order to restore the position to what it would have been if that debtor had not entered into that transaction: s 49(1). See also Good faith; Ordinary course of business; Preference; Settlement.
訂立任何交易並給予或已給予有值代價的人。付出有值代價的真誠購買人或可就針對他/她購買的財產而提出的申索提出抗辯。 例如凡任何人以有值代價且在不知悉破產的情況下真誠地取得財產,則受託人無權就該財產或交易針對該人或任何其他人(如他對任何財產的所有權是從該人行得到的)而獲得補救:《破產條例》(第6章)第43A(4)條。付出有值代價而並不知悉(不論實際知悉或法律構定的知悉) 該特許存在的真誠購買人,不受由版權擁有人在之前批出的特許所約束:《版權條例》 (第528章) 第101 (4) 、102 (3) 、216 (4) 及217 (3) 條。凡契據、轉易契及其他書面形式的文書和判決沒有作出註冊,對於就同一幅地、物業單位或處所付出有值代價的任何其後真誠買方或承按人,在所有用意和目的上均絕對無效:《土地註冊條例》(第128章)第3(2)條。如某項財產是由付出有值代價的真誠購買人在不知悉的情況下購買的, 則無須就有關財產繳付遺產稅:《遺產稅條例》(第111章)第43(6)條。如信納該申請人在成為有關處所或地方的權益的真誠買主時,對有關控罪或定罪(視屬何情況而定)並不知情,則法庭可撤銷就有關處所或地方作出的封閉令:《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第153C(5)條。 有值代價可包括婚姻,但不包括象徵式的金錢代價:《授權書條例》(第31章)第5(6)條。 但在破產法,如債務人以結婚為代價,與該人訂立交易,或債務人為一項代價而與某人訂立一項交易,而該項代價的價值明顯地低於該債務人提供的代價的價值,則會被視為與任何人以低於一般價值而訂立交易: 《破產條例》(第6章)第49(3)條。凡任何債務人被判定破產,而該債務人在某一有關時間與任何人以低於一般價值而訂立一項交易,則受託人可向法院申請作出一項命令,以恢復猶如有關債務人沒有訂立有關交易而會所處的位置一樣:第49(1)條。另見 Good faith; Ordinary course of business; Preference; Settlement。




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