

单词 Agreement to sell
释义 售賣協議
Lat – aggregatio mentium. The consent or concurrence of the minds of two or more parties in respect of the sale of a subject matter. An agreement as to price during negotiations does not amount to an agreement to sell in the sense that a binding contract has been formed: Clifton v Palumbo [1944] 2 All ER 497 (CA). Although there was nothing to prevent an owner selling property on a ‘handshake’, when such an unusual case was put forward and accepted by trial judge, the Court of Appeal’s role was to examine critically the facts upon which the finding was based: Kwan Siu Man v Yaacov Ozer [1999] 1 HKLRD 216 (CFA). See also Consensus ad idem; Contract.
拉丁語 - aggregatio mentium。兩者或多方同意或贊同出售某東西。在磋商中就售價作出的協議,並不構成售賣協議(即訂立一份具約束力的合約):Clifton v Palumbo [1944] 2 All ER 497(英國上訴法院)。雖然不能阻止物主藉「握手」方式出售物品,但當有該等特殊案件提交至及被主審法官接納時,上訴法庭的角色是嚴謹地調查該裁斷所據的事實:Kwan Siu Man v Yaacov Ozer [1999] 1 HKLRD 216(終審法院)。另見 Consensus ad idem; Contract。




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