

单词 Wild animal
释义 野生動物
1. In the law of property, any animal that is not bred or kept in domestication: Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap 170) s 2. All animals other than those classed at common law as domestic: Public Health (Animals and Birds) Ordinance (Cap 139) s 2. Animals that are savage by nature, and animals of a more mild or timid nature that cannot be classed as domestic or tame animals: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 1, Animals [20.004]. There is no absolute property in wild animals while living, and they are not goods or chattels: Case of Swans (1592) 7 Co Rep 15b. There may, however, be what is known as a qualified property in them, either per industriam, ratione impotentiae et loci, or ratione soli and ratione privilegii. 2. In the law of scienter, regarding liability for damage done by animals, a species of animal regarded as dangerous to human beings: McQuaker v Goddard [1940] 1 KB 687, 1 All ER 471 (CA). An individual animal which may be harmless as a result of its particular training and habits may be classified as a wild animal: Behrens v Bertram Mills Circus Ltd [1957] 2 QB 1, 1 All ER 583. Once a member of a species of animal has been classified, that classification, subject to the ordinary rules of precedent, is not open to reconsideration: Heath’s Garage Ltd v Hodges [1916] 2 KB 370 (CA). Also known as ‘ferae naturae’. See also Domestic animal; Scienter.
1. 在財產法上歸類為馴化類動物以外的任何動物:《野生動物保護條例》(第170章)第2條。指一切動物,但被普通法分類為受飼養動物者除外:《公眾衛生(動物及禽鳥)條例》(第139章)第2條。野生、性情更為溫和或膽小的動物不能歸類為馴養或馴服動物:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第1冊,動物,第[20.004]段。活著的野生動物不具有絕對所有權,他們不是貨品或實產:Case of Swans (1592) 7 Co Rep 15b。但他們可能具有合資格所有權,或industriam, ratione impotentiae et loci,或ratione soli and ratione privilegii。2.在知情法上,主要涉及動物所造成損害的賠償責任,在該法中,有一類動物被視作危險動物:McQuaker v Goddard [1940] 1 KB 687, 1 All ER 471(英國上訴法院)。個別動物因受過特殊訓練及習性溫和而可能不會對人類造成傷害,但可能亦被歸類為野生動物:Behrens v Bertram Mills Circus Ltd [1957] 2 QB 1, 1 All ER 583。如某類動物的個體已被歸類,則根據先例的普通規則,將不再重新審議該分類:Heath’s Garage Ltd v Hodges [1916] 2 KB 370(英國上訴法院)。另稱‘ferae naturae’。另見 Domestic animal; Scienter。




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