

单词 Capacity to contract
释义 締約的行為能力
The capacity to enter into contractual relations. There is a presumption at common law that a person who enters into a contract has full capacity to do so, and a person alleging that they are protected from the normal consequences of their actions must bear the burden of proving incapacity: Borthwick v Carruthers (1787) 1 Term Rep 648, 99 ER 1300. Certain classes of persons are in law incapable of contracting or are only capable of contracting to a limited extent. Examples include minors, persons of unsound mind and drunkards. See also Incapable person.
締結合約關係的行為能力。根據普通法的推定,任何締結合約的人都有締結合約的完全行為能力,任何人聲稱自己可不受本身的行為的一般後果影響者,必須負上舉證責任,證明沒有行為能力:Borthwick v Carruthers (1787) 1 Term Rep 648, 99 ER 1300。在法律上,某類別的人士是沒有締結合約的行為能力的,或只有有限度的行為能力締結合約。例子包括:未成年人、心智不健全的人士及醉酒人士。另見 Incapable person。




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