

单词 Delusion
释义 妄想症
Lat – deludere – to deceive. 1. Unsoundness of mind caused by a defect of reason, consisting in its total or partial absence or in its disturbance. Belief in facts which no rational person could believe: Boughton v Knight (1873) LR 3 P & D 64. 2. A mistaken or misleading opinion, idea, set of values or belief. The existence of a delusion compatible with the retention of the general powers and faculties of the mind is not, however, sufficient to overthrow the will, unless the delusion is such as was calculated to influence the testator in making it: Murfett v Smith (1887) 12 PD 116 (DC). Once a delusion has been shown to exist, the burden of proving capacity is on the person insisting on the disposition: Jenkins v Morris (1880) 14 Ch D 674 (CA). It is a question of fact whether the delusion affected the disposition: Re Bohrmann, Caesar and Watmough v Bohrmann [1938] 1 All ER 271. See also Sound disposing mind; Testamentary capacity; Unsound mind.
拉丁語-deludere-欺騙。 1. 由理智上的缺陷(完全或局部喪失或失調)造成的精神不健全。相信某些理性的人不會相信的事實:Boughton v Knight (1873) LR 3 P & D 64。 2. 錯誤的或誤導性的見解、意見、價值觀或信念。除非有關的妄想症是被預謀用以影響有關的立遺囑人訂立遺囑的,否則可保留一般人思維的能力或機能的妄想症並不足以推翻有關的遺囑 :Murfett v Smith (1887) 12 PD 116 (英國地方法院)。一旦證明了立遺囑人有妄想症,則堅持作出產權處置的人即負有證明立遺囑人的資格的舉證責任:Jenkins v Morris (1880) 14 Ch D 674 (上訴法院)。妄想症有否影響該產權處置的問題是事實的問題:Re Bohrmann, Caesar and Watmough v Bohrmann [1938] 1 All ER 271。另見 Sound disposing mind; Testamentary capacity; Unsound mind。n.




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