

单词 Democracy
释义 民主
A continuously evolving concept describing a system of government characterised by, at least: popular control of policy makers through elections held at regular intervals; political equality; political freedoms; and, when the representatives are divided, the principle that the decision of the majority prevails. In modern times, the term is used to refer to any kind of government which allows for the political representation of all classes. See also Individual right; Referendum.
民主是不斷演變的概念,但至少包含下述特徵之政府:通過定期舉行的選舉選出政策制定人以達至政府由民眾控制;政治平等;政治自由;及當議員有分歧時,以少數服從多數的原則作出決定。在現代社會中,民主用以指任何准予各種階層人民政治代議的政府。另見 Individual right; Referendum。n.




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