

单词 Demise
释义 批租
In property law, it means to convey on estate. In tenancy law, it means to grant an estate and also implies a covenant, subject to any express contrary provision (if any), a covenant for quiet enjoyment: Line v Stephenson (1838) 7 LJCP 263, 132 ER 1075. When this word is used, it implies that the lessor will do all necessary things to ensure the creation of the leasehold estate: Hart v Windsor (1843) 12 M & W 68, 152 ER 1114. This includes, except where the lease is parole, a covenant that the lessor has sufficient title to grant the lease: Bandy v Cartwright (1853) 7 22 LJ Ex 285, 155 ER 1624.
Legal history - In English constitutional law, it refers to the death of the natural body of the sovereign and the transfer of the kingdom to a successor: Hill v Grange (1555) 1 Plowd 164, 75 ER (CA); Wroth’s case (1573) 2 Plowd 452, 75 ER 678.
Maritime law - Under a charterparty by demise, the vessel is leased to the charterer, with or without master and crew. The charterer is granted possession and control of the ship but is granted no legal or equitable ownership of it: Colvin v Newberry and Benson (1832) 1 Cl & Fin 283, 6 ER 923; Medway Drydock & Engineering Co Ltd v MV Andrea Ursula [1973] QB 265. Where there has been a demise, the owner retains a bare right to receive the hire and take back the ship at the end of the charter: Meiklereid v West [1876] 1 QBD 428.
就物業法而言,指轉讓產業權。在租賃法中,指授予產業權;亦暗示平靜受益權的契諾,但如另有任何明示的相反條文,則屬例外:Line v Stephenson (1838) 7 LJCP 263,132 ER 1075。在使用批租一詞時即暗示出租人會作出一切所需的行動,以確立有關的租賃產業權:Hart v Windsor (1843) 12 M & W 68,152 ER 1114。除非租契以口頭方式訂立,否則批租包括出租人有充分所有權授予租契的契諾:Bandy v Cartwright (1853) 7 22 LJ Ex 285, 155 ER 1624。
法制歷史 -   在英國憲法中,指君主的自然軀體死亡,以及將王國轉移予繼承者:Hill v Grange (1555) 1 Plowd 164, 75 ER (芵國上訴法院);Wroth’s case (1573) 2 Plowd 452, 75 ER 678。
海事法 -   根據轉管租約形式的租船合約,有關船舶可在有或沒有船長和船員的情況下,出租予承租人。轉管租約承租人獲授予享有船舶的管有權和控制權,但並不包括有關船舶的普通法或衡平法上的所有權,Colvin v Newberry and Benson (1832) 1 Cl & Fin 283, 6 ER 923;Medway Drydock & Engineering Co Ltd v MV Andrea Ursula [1973] QB 265。在轉管租約下,船東保留收取租金及在租期屆滿時收回船舶的權利,Meiklereid v West [1876] 1 QBD 428。n.




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