

单词 Widow
释义 遺孀/寡婦
A woman whose husband has died and who has not since remarried. In succession law, a widow as the deceased’s spouse may apply for family provision upon the death of her husband if there is insufficient provision made for her maintenance and support under the will or intestacy rules: Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Ordinance (Cap 481) s 3(1)(i). A widow’s claim to benefit in her husband’s estate on his intestacy may be barred wholly or partially by the terms of a covenant or settlement if provision is made by it for the wife upon the husband’s death or by the terms of his will where he has died partially intestate: Lang v Lang (1837) 8 Sim 451. A widow is not entitled to the benefit of the doctrine of advancement for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of her share of her intestate husband’s estate, for the intention is merely to secure equality among the children: Lord Kircudbright v Lady Kircudbright (1802) 8 Ves 51. In Hong Kong, under Tsing law, if a man dies intestate leaving a widow and no children, the widow is entitled to the income from, and the right of management of, his estate, although she may not succeed to the title of his land. She has the right to choose a successor who must be the husband’s nearest relation and bear his name: Yau Tin-sung v Yau Wan-loi [1984] HKLR 15, [1983] 2 HKC 647. Such selection will cease if the widow also passes away: Yau Tin-sung v Yau Wan-loi, supra. See also Family provision; Intestacy rules.
丈夫過世後並沒有再婚的女性。就繼承法而言,如根據遺囑或無遺囑繼承規則向作為死者配偶的遺孀提供的生活給養並不足夠,則一旦丈夫去世,她可申請家庭給養:《財產繼承(供養遺屬及受養人)條例》(第481章)第3(1)(ii)條。遺孀在丈夫無有遺囑去世後就丈夫的遺產提出的權益申索,可能會因為契諾或授產安排的條款全部或部份受到禁止,如契諾或授產安排,或假如丈夫是屬部無遺囑去世者,他遺囑的條款已就他去世時作出規定:Lang v Lang (1837) 8 Sim 451。就確定遺孀就其丈夫的無遺囑遺產的份額,遺孀沒有權享有預付財產原則的好處,因為目的僅為在子女間取得平等:Lord Kircudbright v Lady Kircudbright (1802) 8 Ves 51。在香港,根據清朝法律,如一名男子未立遺囑而去世,僅留下一名遺孀沒有子女,則雖然該遺孀可能並未繼承其土地的所有權,但其有權承受其遺產收入,且有權管理其遺產。該遺孀有權選擇一位繼承人,該繼承人須為其丈夫的同姓近親:Yau Tin-sung v Yau Wan-loi [1984] HKLR 15, [1983] 2 HKC 647。如該遺孀亦去世,則該選擇將不再有效:Yau Tin-sung v Yau Wan-loi, 見上文。另見Family provision; Intestacy rules。n.




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