

单词 Demised premises
释义 出租樓宇
The premises let under a tenancy agreement. The parcels in a lease describe and delimit the demised property. Whether any particular property is included in the lease depends upon the wording of the lease as applied to the circumstances of the property (Mappin Bros v Liberty & Co Ltd [1903] 1 Ch 118), and will usually include both sides of any external wall there may be and fixtures attached to it, unless there is an exception or reservation or something in the context of the lease to exclude them (Graystone Property Investments Ltd (formerly Fortgain Nominees Ltd) v Margulies (1983) 47 P & CR 472 (CA)). The demise of the whole building will include the roof and the air space above the building, even if the same is not mentioned in the demise: PW Goldring v Humphrey’s Estate and Finance Co Ltd (1909) 4 HKLR 179. See also Exception; Lease; Premises; Reservation; Residential tenancy agreement.
在租賃協議下出租的樓宇。租賃的一部分描述及說明有關出租財物。除非有例外情況或新權益保留或在租賃有可排除的事物 (Graystone Property Investments Ltd (formerly Fortgain Nominees Ltd) v Margulies (1983) 47 P & CR 472 (英國上訴法院)), 否則任何個別的財物是否包含在有關的租賃視乎適用於有關財物的情況的租賃詞句(Mappin Bros v Liberty & Co Ltd [1903] 1 Ch 118), 及通常會包括任何外牆的兩邊及可能會有任何附加的固定物。即使相同的事項沒有在樓宇租賃提及, 出租的整體建築物會包括建築物上面的屋頂和空中部分: PW Goldring v Humphrey’s Estate and Finance Co Ltd (1909) 4 HKLR 179。另見 Exception; Lease; Premises; Reservation; Residential tenancy agreement。




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