

单词 Purpose rule
释义 按目的詮釋規則
An approach to statutory construction where a particular provision is interpreted in accordance with the purpose of the statute. Traditionally, it was applied only where a literal approach produced an ambiguity or inconsistency. Sometimes the purposive approach should be used in preference to the literal approach: Jones v Wrotham Park Settled Estates [1980] AC 74. The purpose is discerned by looking at the statute as a whole, as well as extrinsic aids such as Legislative Council debates, commissions and international agreements where appropriate. The purpose rule is given legislative force by the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 19. See also Purpose approach; Statutory interpretation.
法例釋疑的方法之一,即凡特定的條文乃根據法規的目的而作出解釋者。傳統上只有在採用按字面詮釋方法時,會引起含糊及不一致時才適用。以目的詮釋規則有時應較按字面詮釋規則被優先採用;見 Jones v Wrotham Park Settled Estates [1980] AC 74 at 105 (per Lord Diplock)。要識別目的需考慮整體的法規,適當時可參考法規以外的輔助器具如立法會的討論及國際協議。以目的詮釋規則藉《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第19條取得法例地位。另見 Purpose approach; Statutory interpretation。




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