

单词 Pyramid selling
释义 層壓式推銷
A scheme whereby participant in the scheme is granted a licence or right to introduce another participant into the scheme who is also granted such licence or right and who may further extend the chain of persons who are granted such licence or right, notwithstanding that there may be a limitation to the number of participants or that there may be any further conditions affecting eligibility for such licence or right; and a participant receives a reward on, or at any time after, the introduction into the scheme by him of another participant which reward is based, whether wholly or in part, otherwise than on the fair market value of goods or services actually sold by him or by or through that other participant: Pyramid Selling Prohibition Ordinance (Cap 355) s 2. Pyramid selling is prohibited in Hong Kong, any person who knowingly promotes a pyramid selling scheme commits an offence: s 3.
一項計劃,而藉著該項計劃,一名該項計劃的參與者獲授予特許或權利介紹另一名參與者加入該項計劃,而後者亦獲授予該項特許或權利,並可進一步擴大獲授予該項特許或權利的人士的連鎖網絡,即使參與者的數目可能會有限制,或可能會有影響取得該項特許或權利的資格的進一步條件亦然;及一名參與者在介紹另一名參與者加入該項計劃之時或之後的任何時間收取報酬,而報酬(不論全部或部分)並非按其本人或該另一名參與者所實際銷售的或透過該另一名參與者而實際銷售的貨品或服務的公平市值而計算的: 禁止《層壓式推銷法條例》(第 355章) 第 2條。禁止在香港進行層壓式推銷, 任何人明知而推廣層壓式推銷計劃,即屬犯罪:第3條。




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