

单词 Privilege against self-incrimination
释义 針對自證其罪的特權
The common law right of a witness in criminal proceedings to refuse answering a question which might tend to incriminate him by exposing him to proceedings for a criminal offence, for forfeiture, or for the recovery of a penalty: Ho Sai Chu v Cheng Yun Sing [1993] 2 HKC 506. As to the privilege in civil cases: Rio Tinto Zinc Corp v Westinghouse Electric Corp [1978] AC 547, 1 All ER 434 (HL). The rule does not apply to an accused who is called as a witness on his own behalf in so far as the question relates to the offence with which he is charged: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 54(1)(e). In a legitimate investigation into possible disciplinary offences the police officer is under a duty to assist and cannot refuse by exercising his right to maintain a privilege against self-incrimination: Fu Kin Chi Willy v S-J [1998] 1 HKC 411 (CFA). See also Caution; Interrogation; Privilege against production.
證人在刑事法律程序中的一項普通法權利,即他可拒絕回答會使他暴露在某項刑事罪行的法律程序中,並可能導致他被入罪的問題:Ho Sai Chu v Cheng Yun Sing [1993] 2 HKC 506。就民事案件中的特權而言, Rio Tinto Zinc Corpn v Westinghouse Electric Corp [1978] AC 547, 1 All ER 434 (上議院)。此規則不適用於被傳召代表自己作證人的的被控人,假如問題涉及他被控的罪行:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第54(1)(e)條。就可能違紀的行為進行合法調查時,警務人員有責任協助,及不能藉行使其維持針對自證其罪的特權而拒絕協助:Fu Kin Chi Willy v S-J [1998] 1 HKC 411 (終審法院)。另見 Caution; Interrogation; Privilege against production。




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