

单词 Privileged communication
释义 享有特權的通訊
1. Any communications, verbal or written, passing between persons falling within a certain relationship where public policy requires that the communications be maintained as confidential. For example, communication made by or to a solicitor or other legal professional adviser in his professional capacity and for the purpose of getting or giving legal advice or assistance: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 5, Civil Procedure [90.0586]. 2. In defamation law, communication which is free from restriction even where it causes damage to the good name and reputation of another. There are two types of privilege: absolute and qualified. See also Absolute privilege; Legal professional privilege; Qualified privilege.
1. 屬於某些關係類別人士之間的口頭或書面的通訊,因為公共政策而需要被維持保密。例如,任何由律師或其他法律專業顧問以其專業身份為取得法律意見或協助而作的通訊,或任何向律師或其他法律專業顧問以其專業身份為取得法律意見或協助而作的通訊:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第5冊,民事訴訟程序,第[90.0586]段。  2. 就毀謗罪行而言,就算引起損害另一人的名譽仍沒有限制的通訊。有兩種特權:絕對的及有限制的。另見 Absolute privilege; Legal professional privilege; Qualified privilege。




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