

单词 Interrogatory by order
释义 根據命令發出的質詢書
Interrogations where are required to be answered pursuant to an order by court: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 26 r 1 (4). The court shall not make such an order unless it is satisfied that such orders are necessary: O 26 r 1(4). It includes interrogatories which the court orders to be served following an application by the party on whom they have been served for them to be varied or withdrawn by the court: O 26 r 3(2). Also known as ‘ordered interrogatories’. See also Interrogatory.
根據法庭命令規定須予答覆的質詢書:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第26號命令第1(4)條規則。除非法庭信納為有需要,否則不得發出該命令:第26號命令第1(4)條規則。根據命令發出的質詢書包括在獲送達質詢書的一方向法庭作出申請,要求將該質詢書更改或撤回,法庭因應該申請繼而作出的送達質詢書命令:第26號命令第3(2)條規則。另稱「法庭命令送達的質詢書」。另見 Interrogatory。




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