

单词 Intoxicated person
释义 神智不清的人
A person who has temporarily lost control over his or her mental or physical powers by reason of consumption of alcohol or a drug. In contract law, drunkards are incompetent to contract only if the intoxicated person is able to prove not only that he or she was intoxicated thus was of unsound mind, but also the other party’s knowledge of that fact: Imperial Loan Co Ltd v Stone [1892] 1 QB 599 (CA). See also Incapacity.
因飲酒或使用藥物而暫時對自己的精神或身體能力失去控制者。合同法中,醉酒人士僅僅在以下的情形沒有足夠能力訂定合約,即醉酒人士除證明他或她因為神智不清因此而精神不健全外,並需證明另一方是知悉此一事實的:Imperial Loan Co Ltd v Stone [1892] 1 QB 599(芵國上法院)。另見 Incapacity。




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