

单词 Probability
释义 合理可能性
The chance of some event occurring. It is probable that an event occurs if it is likely that it happens: R v Crabbe (1985) 156 CLR 464. ‘Probability’ is distinguished from ‘possibility’ in that it might be possible for some event to happen, but it is not probable or not likely that it will: R v Crabbe, supra. Probabilities may be expressed as a percentage or as a fraction; a probability of zero means that it is impossible for the event to occur, while a probability of one means that the event is certain to happen. However, in relation to the balance of probabilities as the standard of proof in civil proceedings, the degree of probability required is not to be determined according to percentages: Bater v Bater [1951] P 35, [1950] 1 All ER 458.

若干事情發生的機會。如某一事情相當可能發生, 有合理可能此事會發生: R v Crabbe (1985) 156 CLR 464。‘合理可能性 ’有別於 ‘可能性’, 就是某事可能會發生但沒有合理可能性或相當不可能會發生: R v Crabbe, supra. 可用百分比或分數表達合理可能性; 零的合理可能性指某事不可能會發生, 而一的合理可能性指某事肯定會發生。但以相對可能性的衡量作為民事法律程序的舉證準則而言, 所需的合理可能性程度並非按照百分比決定: Bater v Bater [1950] 1 All ER 458。n.





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