

单词 Prize court
释义 虜獲法庭
A court or tribunal created by special commission during wartime or until litigation arising from war has concluded. Admiralty courts exercise jurisdiction as prize courts, however, such jurisdiction is completely separate from and applies a different system of law to the instance jurisdiction which applies municipal law. Its principal function is to adjudicate on captures made at sea during wartime, determining the right to property as prize of war. The law applied in the prize court is the law of admiralty and the law of the nations: The Zamora [1916] 2 AC 77 (PC). The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) shall not have effect in relation to proceedings in the High Court when acting as a Prize Court: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 1 r 2(4). Except as therein otherwise expressly provided, the Crown Proceedings Ordinance (Cap 300) shall also have no application to proceedings in causes or matters within the jurisdiction of any court as a prize court: Crown Proceedings Ordinance (Cap 300) s 34(2)(a). Also known as an ‘admiralty court’. See also Admiralty court; Prize.
戰爭時期由特別委員會設立的,直到因戰事引起的訴訟結束為止的審裁處或法庭。海軍軍事法庭行使如虜獲法庭的司法管轄權,然而,這項司法管轄權與等級法庭的司法管轄權是完全分開的,它與等級法庭所引用的法律制度亦不一樣,後者採用的是國內法。虜獲法庭的主要職能為就戰爭期間在海上所捕的俘虜作出裁定,並就作為戰利品的財產的權利作出判決。虜獲法庭引用軍事法及國際法:The Zamora [1916] 2 AC 77。《高等法院規則》(第4A章)對高等法院作虜獲法庭進行的法律程序並無效力:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第1號命令第2(4)條規則。除在《官方法律程序條例》(第300章)明示規定外,該條例不適用屬於虜獲法庭司法管轄權範圍內的訟案或事宜的法律程序:《官方法律程序條例》(第300章)第34(2)(a)條。亦稱為「海軍軍事法庭」。另見 Admiralty court; Prize。




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