

单词 Privy Council appeal
释义 英國樞密院的上訴
An appeal to the Privy Council from the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal for Hong Kong prior to 1 July 1997. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council served as the final appellate tribunal for appeals from Hong Kong prior to the change of sovereignty on 1 July 1997. Since 1 July, 1997, the Court of Final Appeal (CFA) constituted under the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap 484) becomes the final appellate court in Hong Kong. The Privy Council had the similar jurisdiction to that of the Court of Final Appeal. The jurisdiction of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council arose out of the prerogative right of the Sovereign as the source of all justice to entertain appeals from the courts in her dominions. The Sovereign exercised this jurisdiction through the council, which acted in an advisory capacity. All appeals were to be heard by a special committee of the Privy Council (the Judicial Committee) which would advise the Crown on the action to be taken. A decision of the committee on an appeal takes the form of a report to the Crown in which it advises what should be done. The Judicial Committee is an appellate court whose handling of appeals is strictly judicial and not discretionary. It is a Commonwealth and not an English Court. It is made up of jurists of the highest standing from countries of the Commonwealth. Appeal lies to the Privy Council from the then Supreme Court of Hong Kong in the usual classes of case. The common law and the rules of equity of England and Wales were in force prior to 1 July 1997 so far as they were applicable to the circumstances of Hong Kong or its inhabitants and subject to any amendment made by any Order in Council or Act of the United Kingdom Parliament which applied to Hong Kong, or by any local ordinance: Application of English Law Ordinance (repealed). See also Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.
在1997年7月1 日之前, 由香港最高法院和香港上訴法庭向英國樞密院提出的上訴。在1997年7月1 日移交主權之前, 英國樞密院的司法委員會作為審理來自香港上訴案件的最終上訴審裁處。自1997年7月1 日,在香港終審法院條例(第484章)下成立的終審法院(英文簡稱CFA)成為香港的最終審理上訴的法院。英國樞密院有類似終審法院的司法權。英國樞密院司法委員會的司法權從主權的特權中產生, 作為所有審判權的來源以受理來自其管轄領域法庭的上訴。主權通過英國樞密院行使此司法權,樞密院有顧問性質。所有上訴由英國樞密院的特別委員會(司法委員會) 聆訊,委員會會向皇室建議所應作出的行動。委員會就有關上訴的決定以報告的方式向皇室呈交,委員會從中建議所應作出的行動。司法委員會是審理上訴的法院, 須按照嚴格的司法權限處理上訴案件及沒有酌情權。這是聯邦而非英國法庭。樞密阮由英聯邦國家最高資歷的法學家組成。由當時的香港最高法院對英國樞密院提出通常案件類別的上訴。如適用於香港或其居民的情況, 及符合任何由樞密院訓令或英國國會法例作出而適用於香港的修訂, 或由任何本地條例修訂下, 普通法和英格蘭及威爾斯的衡平規在1997年7月1 日之前有效: 《英國法律應用條例》(已廢除)。另見 Judicial Committee of the Privy Council。




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