

单词 Intervener
释义 介入訴訟人
A person or a party who voluntarily entered into a lawsuit and be added as a party to enforce his rights or any interests arise therein: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 15 r 6. The court has power to add a person who is not a party to an action, either on the application of the defendant or of the non-party: O 15 r 6(2)(b). For example, the purchasers who had given indemnity to shippers for release of goods may be allowed to intervene in action between owners and shippers: United States Garment Factory Ltd & Anor v Sea-Land Service Inc & Ors [1995] 1 HKC 515 (HC). A person may be added as a defendant where his proprietary or pecuniary rights are or may be directly affected by the proceedings, either legally or financially, by any order which may be made in the action, or where the intervener may be rendered liable to satisfy any judgment either directly or indirectly. In an admiralty proceeding against action in rem, in which the property in question is under arrest or the proceeds of selling the same is in court, then a person who is not a defendant to the action in question may intervene with the leave of court: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 75 r 17. The Secretary for Justice has a right of intervention in a private suit wherever the prerogative of the Government may be affected or he may be invited or allowed by the court to intervene where any question of public policy may arise: Adams v Adams [1971] P 188. An application by any person to be added as a party must, except with the leave of the court, be supported by an affidavit showing his interest in the matters in dispute in the cause or matter or the question or issue to be determined as between him and any party to the cause or matter: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 15 r 6(3). See also Joinder of parties; Parties.
某人或某方自願地參加訴訟,而被加入成為訴訟一方,從而強制執行訴訟產生的權利或權益:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第15號命令第6(2)條規則。法庭有權就被告或非訴訟方的申請,將非訴訟方加入訴訟:第15號命令第6(2)(b)條規則。例如,曾就給予付運人貨物發放彌償保證的買方,可被允許介入貨主及付運人之間的訴訟:United States Garment Factory Ltd & Anor v Sea-Land Service Inc & Ors [1995] 1 HKC 515(高等法院)。凡某人的所有權或金錢上的權利,會或可能會直接被該法律程序作出的訴訟命令所影響,或凡介入訴訟人可被導致承擔上法律責任,而需要直接或間接地履行判決者,可以被告人身份加入。在海事對物訴訟中,針對的財產已被扣押或代表該財產出售所得收益的金錢是存於法院,非該宗訴訟的被告人,可在法庭許可下介入該宗訴訟:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第75號命令第17條規則)。任何時候,當私人訴訟可能影響到政府的特權,或可能會產生公共政策方面的問題而法庭又允許,律政司司長即有權介入:Adams v Adams [1971] P188。任何要加入的人士所作的申請,除非有法庭許可否則必須以誓章作為支持,示明該人在有關訟案或事宜中的有爭議事宜上的利害關係,或該人與有關訟案或事宜的任何一方之間的須予裁定的問題或爭論點:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第15號命令第6(3)條規則。另見 Joinder of parties; Parties。n.




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