

单词 Mesne profits
释义 中間收益
Damages which a lessor is entitled to receive due to the trespass of the lessee in remaining in possession following termination of the lease: Canas Property Co Ltd v K L Television Services Ltd [1970] 2 QB 433; Yeung Lam & Anor v Law Po Chong [2000] 1 HKLRD 233, 1 HKC 758. The damages are calculated as the real rate of return which the lessor would otherwise have received but for the trespass, rather than being calculated in accordance with the rent previously due under the lease: Clifton Securities Ltd v Huntley [1948] 2 All ER 283. It will be immaterial that the lessor did not intend to relet the premises, so that he cannot prove any actual loss of rent: Swordheath Properties Ltd v Tabet [1979] 1 All ER 240, 1 WLR 285. The lessor is entitled to mesne profits from tenant from the date of service of a writ for forfeiture: Zenuna Ltd v Jingdou Trading Co Ltd & Anor [2001] 3 HKLRD 800. Where the lease has been affirmed the occupation cannot be a trespass, mesne profits will not arise, and any payments made will be treated as rent: Lisdale Nominees Pty Ltd v Elkharadly [1979] VR 84. See also Damages; Trespass.
指租契終止後,出租人因仍然管有的承租人的侵犯行為而有權享有接受損害賠償的權利:Canas Property Co Ltd v K L Television Services Ltd [1970] 2 QB 433;Yeung Lam & Anor v Law Po Chong [2000] 1 HKLRD 233, 1 HKC 758。該等損害賠償以出租人因侵犯行為而無法得到回報的真正比率來計算,而不是按照根據租契先前欠下的租金來計算:Clifton Securities Ltd v Huntley [1948] 2 All ER 283。出租人沒有打算將處所再度出租而不能證明任何租金的真實損失,對追討損害賠償而言並不具關鍵性:Swordheath Properties Ltd v Tabet [1979] 1 All ER 240, 1 WLR 285。出租人從送達收租賃權令狀那天開始,即有權從承租人身上享有中間收益:Zenuna Ltd v Jingdou Trading Co Ltd & Anor [2001] 3 HKLRD 800。當租契已確認佔有權並不構成侵犯行為,因此不能引起中間收益,而任何已作出的繳款會被視為租金:Lisdale Nominees Pty Ltd v Elkharadly [1979] VR 84。另見 Damages; Trespass.




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