

单词 Freight
释义 貨品
1.Goods carried by a carrier from one place to another. 2. The reward payable to the carrier for the carriage of goods and delivery to the agreed destination: Compania Naviera General SA v Kerametal Ltd (The ‘Lorna I’) [1983] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 373 (CA). The consideration payable for the safe carriage and delivery of the goods in a merchantable condition: Kirchner v Venus (1859) 12 Moo PCC 361 (PC). In the absence of special contractual stipulations, freight is earned only upon the arrival of the goods at the port of discharge ready to be delivered to the consignee: Gaudet v Brown (1873) LR 5 PC 134. The charterer must seek compensation in a separate action or counter-claim: Henriksens Rederi A/S v THZ Rolimpex (the Brede) [1974] QB 233. Until freight has been paid the carrier holds a lien over the goods: St Enoch Shippinig Co Ltd v Phosphate Mining Co [1916] 2 KB 624. Generally, a carrier cannot claim freight if the carrier fails to deliver the goods: Hunter v Prinsep (1808) 10 East 378. This principle is subject to express contractual provisions: Hedley v Lapage (1816) Holt NP 392. Under a contract of carriage by sea, freight is payable to the shipowner or its assignee. See also Advance freight; Back freight; Collect freight; Freight policy; Pro rata freight; Rate of freight.
1. 指承運人由一處運送至另一處的貨品。運費 2. 繳付予承運人作為運送貨品及將貨品交付至已協議目的地的報酬:Compania Naviera General SA v Kerametal Ltd, The Lorna I [1983] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 373 (芵國上訴法院)。指為安全運送及交付可商售貨品的而支付的代價:Kirchner v Venus (1859) 12 Moo PCC 361 (樞密院)。在沒有特別合約規定的情況下,僅可在有關貨品一旦到達卸貨港,並可供交付至收貨人的情況下,刀可收取運費:Gaudet v Brown (1873) LR 5 PC 134。承租人必須在各別的訴訟或反申索中索償:Henriksens Rederi A/S v THZ Rolimpex (the Brede) [1974] QB 233。在未繳付運費之前,承運人持有該等貨品的留置權:St Enoch Shippinig Co Ltd v Phosphate Mining Corp [1916] 2 KB 624。概括而言,如承運人未能交付有關貨品,則不得就運費作出申索:Hunter BNZ Finance Ltd v Prinsep (1808) 10 East 378, 103 ER 818。此等原則受明示的合約條文規限:Hedley v Lapage (1816) Holt NP 392。在海上運輸合約之下,運費應繳付予船主或其承讓人。另見 Advance freight; Back freight; Collect freight; Freight policy; Pro rata freight; Rate of freight。n.




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