

单词 Appropriation
释义 挪佔
1. The act of taking the property of another, either lawfully or unlawfully. 2. The power to transfer property.
Constitutional law - The authorisation by ordinance of government expenditure. The appropriation of funds is carried out through annual appropriation legislation which authorises government expenditure. One of the powers and functions of the Legislative Council is to approve public expenditure: Basic Law art 73(3). If the Legislative Council refuses to pass the budget introduced by the government, the Chief Executive may apply to the Legislative Council for provisional appropriations. In the event of the dissolution of the Legislative Council, the Chief Executive may, prior to the election of the new Legislative Council, approve provisional short term appropriations according to the level of expenditure of the previous fiscal year: Basic Law art 51. See also Appropriation bill.
Contract - An act which indicates an intention to confer ownership of particular property on a person: Akron Tyre Co Pty Ltd v Kittson (1951) 82 CLR 477. Property in unascertained goods passes to the buyer when there is an appropriation of goods under a contract (which need not be a pre-existing contract) by the buyer with the assent, express or implied, of the seller, or by the seller with the assent of the buyer. The appropriation may be, and often is, distinct from delivery: Furby v Hoey [1947] 1 All ER 236; Akron Tyre Co Pty Ltd v Kittson, supra. Where there is a contract for the sale of unascertained or future goods by description, and goods of that description, and in a deliverable state, are unconditionally appropriated under the contract, either by the seller with the assent of the buyer, or by the buyer with the assent of the seller, the property in the goods thereupon passes to the buyer. Such assent may be express or implied, and may be given either before or after the appropriation is made. Appropriation is deemed to have occurred where, in pursuance of the contract, the seller delivers the goods to the buyer or to a carrier or other bailee (whether named by the buyer or not) for the purpose of transmission to the buyer and does not reserve the right of disposal: Sale of Goods Ordinance (Cap 26) s 20 r 5. See in relation to this rule, Gilman & Co Ltd v Yokohama Musen Industrial Co (HK) Ltd [1976] HKLR 821 (CA). See also Accession; Confusion.
Criminal law - Any assumption by a person of any of the rights of an owner amounts to an appropriation, for example, where a person takes, offers, uses, sells, lends, destroys, damages, or retains property belonging to another: Lawrence v Cmr of Police for the Metropolis [1971] 2 All ER 1253, [1972] AC 626 (HL); R v Morris, Anderton v Burnside [1984] AC 320 (HL); R v Gomez [1993] AC 442 (HL); Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) s 4. For appropriation of a chose in action: Chan Man Sin v A-G of Hong Kong [1987] 2 HKC 56, [1988] 1 WLR 196 (PC); R v Leung Wing Hong [1993] 1 HKC 353, 2 HKCLR 149 (HC). Even where a person has come by the property innocently or not, without stealing it, any later assumption of a right to it by keeping it or dealing with it as the owner would constitute appropriation. A company director appropriates the company’s property if he or she sells it for his or her own purposes at an undervalue dishonestly: A-G v Nai Keung [1987] 2 HKC 41, 1 WLR 1339, [1988] 1 HKLR 70 (PC). See also Theft.
Real property - The taking, or treating as one’s own, of property that belongs to someone else. Appropriation may be a one-sided act, done without the consent of the owner: R v Gomez [1993] 1 All ER 1. See also Acquisition; Resumption.
Trust - A power of an administrative nature which permits specific assets being transferred or appropriated to a beneficiary in or towards satisfaction of his share in a trust estate without the necessity for conversion: Long v Comptroller of Stamps [1964] VR 796 (SCV). The personal representative may appropriate any part of the property (both movable or immovable) of the deceased in or towards satisfaction of any legacy bequeathed by the deceased on just the reasonable basis: Probate and Administration Ordinance (Cap 10) s 68(1). An appropriation made under this section shall bind all persons interested in the property of the deceased whose consent is not made requisite: s 68(5).
1.合法地或不合法地挪佔別人的財產。  2.作出產權轉移的權力。
憲法 - 撥款 經由法例批准政府開支。撥款是經由每年撥款條例批准政府開支。立法會其中一項權力及職能是「批准……公共開支」:《基本法》第73條第(3)段。立法會如拒絕批准政府提出的財政預算案,行政長官可向立法會申請臨時撥款。如果由於立法會已被解散而不能批准撥款,行政長官可在選出新的立法會前的一段時期內,按上一財政年度的開支標準,批准短期撥款:《基本法》第51條。另見 Appropriation bill。
合約 - 撥歸 顯示意圖轉移財產所有權予另一人的行為:Akron Tyre Co Pty Ltd v Kittson (1951) 82 CLR 477。就不確定的貨物而言,當根據合約(不一定是先前的合約)由買方在賣方明示或默示的贊同下,或由賣方在買方的贊同下,撥出該貨物,則該等貨品的產權即轉移給買方。撥歸可以是亦通常是有別於送交貨品:Furby v Hoey [1947] 1 All ER 236; Akron Tyre Co Pty Ltd v Kittson, 見上文。凡訂立合約,憑貨品說明售賣未確定的貨品或期貨,而符合該貨品說明並處於可交付狀態的貨品,由賣方在買方贊同下,或由買方在賣方贊同下,無條件地撥歸該合約,則該等貨品的產權即轉移給買方。上述贊同可以是明示或默示的,亦可在貨品撥歸之前或之後作出。凡賣方依據合約,將貨品交付買方或交付承運人或其他受寄人(不論是否由買方指名)以轉交買方,並且不保留該等貨品的處置權,賣方即被當作已將該等貨品無條件地撥歸該合約:《貨品售賣條例》(第26章)第20條規則5。有關規則,見Gilman & Co ltd v Yokohama Musen Industrial Co (HK) Ltd [1976] HKLR 823(上訴法院)。另見 Accession; Confusion。
刑法 -  任何人行使擁有人的權利,即相當於作出挪佔行為,例如一人取得、使用、售賣、出借、破壞、毀壞或扣留屬於另一人的財產、或就另一人的財產而作出要約:Lawrence v Cmr of Police for the Metropolis [1971] 2 All ER 1253, [1972] AC 626 (上議院); R v Morris, Anderton v Burnside [1984] AC 320 (上議院); R v Gomez [1993] AC 442 (上議院); 《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)第 4條。就據法權產的挪佔而言:Chan Man Sin v A-G of Hong Kong [1987] 2 HKC 56, [1988] 1 WLR 196 (樞密院); R v Leung Wing Hong [1993] 1 HKC 353, 2 HKCLR 149 (高等法院)。 即使某人在沒有偷竊的情況下,不知情地獲得有關財產,如其後藉以擁有人的身份保存或處理有關的財產而行使權利,則會構成挪佔。 如公司董事為他/她自己的目的以低於一般價值不誠實地出售,即屬挪佔公司的財產:A-G v Nai Keung [1987] 2 HKC 41, 1 WLR 1339, [1988] 1 HKLR 70 (樞密院)。另見 Theft。
土地財產 - 強佔 佔用他人財產或將他人財產視為己有,可以是未得擁有人同意的單方面行為:R v Gomez [1993] 1 All ER 1。另見 Acquisition; Resumption。
信託 - 分派 屬行政性質的一種權力,容許無需轉換而將指定的資產轉移或分派予受益人以全數或局部償付信託財產的份額:Long v Comptroller of Stamps [1964] VR 796(澳洲維多利亞高等法院)。遺產代理人可將死者的動產或不動產的任何部分用作全數或局部償付死者的遺贈或作其認為公平合理的分派:《遺囑認証及遺產管理條例》(第10章)第68(1)條。依據本條例作出的財產分派,對所有與死者的財產有利害關係而本條無規定須就該項分派作出同意的人,均具約束力:第68(5)條。n.




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