

单词 Chain of title
释义 所有權紀錄
A series of documents showing the unbroken history of transactions with the land going back to the Government grant or the good root of title. The vendor must by way of proof of title, produce and verify the chain of title, extending from the sole root or intermediate root of title until the date of the contract: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 13(1)(a). The vendor is not required to show a chain of title from the date of the lease, it is sufficient for him to show a chain of title from a good intermediate root of title to the leasehold interest created by the lease: Wu Wing Kuen v Leung Kwai Lin Cindy [1999] 4 HKC 565, 3 HKLRD 738; Mexon Holdings Ltd v Silver Bay International Ltd [1999] 3 HKC 756. If the vendor is unable to produce the original or a certified copy of a power of attorney falling within the chain of title period, secondary evidence of the power of attorney is admissible by way of proof of title: Wu Wing Kuen v Leung Kwai Lin Cindy, supra.
證明以往土地交易並無中斷並觸及政府批地書或土地所有權妥善的根源的一系列文件。賣方必須藉土地業權的證明,出示及核實所有權紀錄,由土地所有權唯一的或中期的根源直至合約日期:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第13(1)(a)條。該賣方不須證明自租約日期起的所有權紀錄,能證明由土地所有權妥善的中期根源直至租約訂立的租賃權益的所有權紀錄,即已足夠Wu Wing Kuen v Leung Kwai Lin Cindy [1999] 4 HKC 565, 3 HKLRD 738; Mexon Holdings Ltd v Silver Bay International Ltd [1999] 3 HKC 756。若賣方在所有權紀錄期間未能出示授權書的正本或其核證副本,藉土地業權的證明,授權書的次要證據可獲接納為證據:Wu Wing Kuen v Leung Kwai Lin Cindy, 見上文。




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