

单词 Change of parties
释义 更變訴訟方
A situation provided for by rules of court where a party to an action dies or becomes bankrupt during proceedings but the cause of action survives, the action does not abate by reason of the death or bankruptcy: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 15 r 7(1). However, if the death of a party terminates the cause of action or the interest of the party, the action will come to an end on his death: Bowker v Evans (1885) 15 QBD 565 (CA). Where at any stage of the proceedings the interest or liability of any party is assigned or transmitted to or devolves upon some other person, the court may order that other party to be made a party to the cause or matter and the proceedings to be carried on as if he had been substituted for the original party: O 15 r 7(2); Showell v Winkup (1889) 60 LT 389 (assignee of plaintiff). Change may take place by leave or consent of the parties. Retirement from partnership by one of the parties is not a change: Kayley v Hothersall [1925] 1 KB 607 (CA). See also Joinder of parties.
法庭規則所規定發生的情況,即凡訴訟的一方在法律程序中去世或破產,但訴訟因由仍然存在,則該訴訟不得因該一方的去世或破產而中止:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第15號命令第7(1)條。但若某一方的去世中止訴訟因由或有關當事人的利益,則訴訟就在當事人去世時被中止: Bowker v Evans (1885) 15 QBD 565(英國上訴法院)。凡在法律程序中的任何階段,任何一方的權益或法律責任轉讓或傳轉或轉予另一人,法庭如認為為確保在該宗訟案或事宜中的所有有爭議的事宜可有效及完全地予以裁定及判定而有必要,可命令使該另一人成為該宗訴訟案或事宜的一方,並命令繼續進行有關法律程序,猶如該另一人取代了首述的一方一樣:《高等法院規則》第15號命令第7(2)條;Showell v Winkup (1889) 60 LT 389(原告人的承讓人)。在各方當事人許可和同意下,方可進行更變訴訟當事人。其中一方當事人自合夥經營業務退休,並不能視為更變當事人:Kayley v Hothersall [1925] 1 KB 607(英國上訴法院)。另見 Joinder of parties。




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