

单词 Chain of supply
释义 供應鍊/供應系統
The series of contractual relationships linking the manufacturer, distributor, and supplier of a product. The existence of a chain of supply enables liability for a defective product, which is owed by a supplier to a plaintiff, to be passed to the person at fault through a series of claims for breach of contract. The manufacturer or the supplier must impart an assurance to its customer to ensure the product is used with no risk to any person and the obligation extends down to the end user: Kasler & Cohen v Slavouski [1928] 1 KB 78. The person at fault is generally the manufacturer.
將某產品的製造商、分銷商及供應商連接起來的合約關係。供應鍊的存在將供應商對原告人就有缺陷的產品負有的法律責任,透過有關違約的一連串申訴,轉移予犯錯的一方。製造商或供應商須向顧客保證使用該產品不會對任何人帶來危險,此責任延伸而適用於產品的最後一位使用者:Kasler & Cohen v Slavouski [1928] 1 KB 78。犯錯的一方一般是製造商。




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