

单词 Mining
释义 採礦
Intentionally winning minerals and including any operation necessary for that purpose: Mining Ordinance (Cap 285) s 2; Radiation Ordinance (Cap 303) s 2. Mining is governed by the Mining Ordinance (Cap 285). Mining is lawful only under a mining licence or mining lease: s 19. Mine operators must not divert or pollute waters and must purify waters used for mining purposes: ss 27, 28. The Director of Lands has the power to revoke a mining licence for contravention of the Ordinance or commission of offences against the Ordinance: s 31. Where mining operations are taking place, each shovelful or cut by the bulldozer is a separate act of development: Thomas David (Porthcawl) Ltd v Penybont RDC [1972] 3 All ER 1092, 1 WLR 1526 (CA). See also Mineral; Poison.
指蓄意採掘礦物,並包括任何為此目的而有需要的作業:《礦務條例》(第285章)第2條;《輻射條例》(第303章)第2條。《採礦受礦務條例》 (第285章) 所管限。根據採礦牌照或採礦租契而進行採礦,方屬合法:第19條。不得將任何水引離或污染,而且得將用作採礦的水淨化:第27、28條。如違反條例或犯了該條例所訂明的罪行,地政總署署長可撤銷任何採礦牌照:第31條。當採礦業務正在運作時,推土機的滿鏟之量或切口屬分開的發展作為:Thomas David (Porthcawl) Ltd v Penybont RDC [1972] 3 All ER 1092, 1 WLR 1526 (英國上訴法院)。另見 Mineral; Poison.n.




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