

单词 Performers' rights
释义 表演者的權利
In copyright law, the right conferred on a performer by requiring his consent to the exploitation of his performances and thus enabling him to prohibit such exploitation without his consent: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 200(1). A performer’s rights are infringed by a person who, without the performer’s consent makes a fixation of the whole or any substantial part of a qualifying performance directly from the unfixed performance; broadcasts live, or includes live in a cable programme service, or makes available to the public live, the whole or any substantial part of a qualifying performance; or makes a fixation of the whole or any substantial part of a qualifying performance directly from a broadcast of, or cable programme including, the unfixed performance or directly from the unfixed performance which is made available to the public live: ss 202(1), 203(1), 204(1), 205(1), 206(1). Such rights are also infringed by a person who imports into Hong Kong or exports from Hong Kong, otherwise than for the performer’s private and domestic use a fixation of a qualifying performance which is, and which that person knows or has reason to believe is, an infringing fixation: s 207(1). However, such rights are not infringed by the making of any such fixation by a person for his private and domestic use: s 202(2). See also Performance.
就版權法而言,藉規定對任何表演的利用均須其表演者的同意,以賦權予有關表演者,使他可禁止未獲他的同意而作出該利用:《版權條例》(第528章) 第200(1)條。任何人在未獲得某合資格表演的表演者的同意下,作出以下作為,即屬侵犯該表演者的權利─ (a) 直接自非錄製表演錄製該合資格表演的整項或其任何實質部分;(b) 將該合資格表演的整項或其任何實質部分即場廣播,或將該合資格表演的整項或其任何實質部分即場包括在任何有線廣播節目服務內或即場向公眾提供;或(c) 直接自非錄製表演的廣播或包括非錄製表演的有線傳播節目錄製該合資格表演的整項或其任何實質部分,或直接自即場向公眾提供的非錄製表演錄製該合資格表演的整項或其任何實質部分:第202(1)、203(1)、 204(1)、205(1)及206(1)條。任何人在未獲得某合資格表演的表演者的同意下,將該合資格表演的錄製品輸入香港或輸出香港而非供他私人和家居使用;而該錄製品是侵犯權利的錄製品,且該人亦知道或有理由相信該錄製品是侵犯權利的錄製品,則該人即屬侵犯該表演者的權利:第207(1)。任何人製作該等錄製品供他作私人和家居使用,不屬侵犯表演者的權利:第202(2)。 另見 Performance。




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