

单词 Peril of the sea
释义 海險
A fortuitous accident or casualty of the sea, opposed to the ordinary action of the winds and waves: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) sch. The accident must be ‘fortuitous’, first in the sense that it is not caused intentionally by the assured and, second, in the sense that it is not the inevitable result of deterioration caused by normal action of wind, waves and time. In addition, the accident must be ‘of the seas’ in the sense, at least, that the damage is the one that would not have occurred in an accident on land, such as damage by sinking, or by foundering following a collision at sea or striking a rock: Case Existological Laboratories Ltd v Century Insurance Co of Canada & Ors (The ‘Bamcell II’) [1986] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 528. Whether a loss caused by a peril of the sea is a question of fact. The loss caused by action necessarily and reasonably taken to prevent a peril of the sea is a loss due to a peril of the sea and is recoverable as such: Canada Rice Mills Ltd v Union Marine & General Insurance Co Ltd [1940] 67 Ll L Rep 549 (PC), [1941] AC 55. Subject to want of due diligence to make the ship seaworthy under the Hague-Visby Rules art III r 1, the carrier and the ship shall not be responsible for loss or damage arising or resulting from perils of the sea: The Hague-Visby Rules art IV rr 1, 2 (c). See also All other perils; Marine adventure; Marine insurance; Maritime peril.
海上發生的偶然意外或災害事故,有別於一般的風浪作用:《海上保險條例》 (第329章)附表。意外必須是「偶然的」,意即不是受保人蓄意造成的,亦非一般的風、浪、或時間作用所造成的不可避免的損耗。此外, 意外必須是「與海有關」的,這最低限度是指有關的損害,不會是陸上的意外所造成的,如沉船造成的損壞,或因在海上受到碰撞或觸擊岩石觸礁而沉沒:Case Existological Laboratories Ltd v Century Insurance Co of Canada & Ors (The ‘Bamcell II’) [1986] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 528。 損失是否由海險造成是一個事實的問題。 為防止海險而採取必需且合理的行動,所造成的損失即屬海險損失,可作海險追討:Canada Rice Mills Ltd v Union Marine & General Insurance Co Ltd [1940] 67 Ll L Rep 549(樞密院), [1941] AC 55。 除非因承運人沒有按照《海牙-維斯比規則》 第Ⅲ條第1款的條文,盡應盡的努力使船舶處於適航狀態,承運人及船舶均無須對因船舶不適航而引起或導致的滅失、損失、損壞或損害承擔法律責任。另見All other perils; Marine adventure; Marine insurance; Maritime peril。




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