

单词 Offer period
释义 要約期限
The period from the time when an announcement is made of a proposed or possible offer, with or without terms, until, whichever is the latest of, the date when the offer closes for acceptance, the date when the offer lapses, the time when a possible offeror announces that the possible offer will not proceed, the date when an announcement is made of the withdrawal of a proposed offer and where the offer contains a possibility to elect for alternative forms of consideration, the latest date for making such election: Code on Take-overs and Mergers and Share Repurchases. See also Takeover announcement.
由作出建議要約或可能要約被宣布起(有條件或無條件下),直到下述情形發生的期間(以最後發生的事件的日期為準):承約不能再被作出、要約到期、可能要約人宣布可能要約不會繼續、宣布撤回建議要約,及凡要約包含有可能選擇替代形式的代價者,作出選擇的最後日期:《公司收購、合併及股份購回守則》。另見 Takeover announcement。




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