

单词 Offer and acceptance
释义 要約及承約
The acts of the parties by which a contract is made at common law. One party, A, makes an offer by an undertaking to the other, B, that if B acts in a way A describes, a contract on the terms A has described will exist between A and B. An offer and an acceptance may be oral or written, express or inferred from conduct. A communication by A that does not enable B to respond by acceptance is not an offer, but it may be an ‘invitation to treat’: Carlill v Carbollic Smoke Ball Co [1893] 1 QB 256. A response by B that introduces new contractual terms, or fails to indicate agreement to the terms A has described, is not an acceptance, but either a rejection or a counter-offer: Hyde v Wrench (1840) 3 Beav 334. A revocable offer can be accepted only by the person or persons to whom it is made or by an agent on his or their behalf: Newborne v Sensolid (Great Britain) Ltd [1954] 1 QB 45. See also Absolute acceptance; Acceptance; Conditional offer; Counter-offer; Invitation to treat; Offer; Postal acceptance rule.
普通法下,各方所憑藉而制定合約的行為。一方(甲)作出要約並答應另一方(乙),如乙按甲描述的方式行事,一個包含甲所描述的條款的合約將會存在於甲與乙之間。要約及承約可以是口頭或書面,明示或從行為推斷而作出。如甲所作的訊息並未不允許乙作出承約的回應不算是要約,但它可以是「邀約」:Carlill v Carbollic Smoke Ball Co [1893] 1 QB 256。乙的回應提出新的合約條款,或並未就甲所描述的條款表示接受,那不是承約,而是拒絕或還價、還盤:Hyde v Wrench (1840) 3 Beav 334。一個撤回的要約只可由要約向他或他們發出的人或人們或他或他們的代理人代表接受:Newborne v Sensolid (Great Britain) Ltd [1954] 1 QB 45。另見 Absolute acceptance; Acceptance; Conditional offer; Counter-offer; Invitation to treat; Offer; Postal acceptance rule。




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